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Deep Tissue/Therapeutic Massage:


The manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm and stress, and to promote health and wellness


Benefits of Massage Therapy:

·         Reduce overall stress

·         Relax tight and tense muscles

·         Relieve and prevent physical dysfunction and pain

·         Improve circulation and immune system function

·         Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion

·         Reduces muscle spasm

·         Speeds up recovery time from exercise induced fatigue

Massage can treat and number of different conditions. Some of the most common are:

·         Tension headache (migraines)

·         Pregnancy/post-partum

·         Whiplash and neck conditions

·         Stress and stress related tension

·         Postural dysfunctions

·         Arthritis/ OA/ RA

·         Sports and work-related injuries

·         Scoliosis

·         Sciatica nerve pain


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